Dosbarth Coch
Year Nursery
Mrs Rees
Mrs Smith


Pale blue shirt/blouse or school polo shirt, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan, grey pinafore dress, skirt/ grey trousers, grey socks/ grey tights and black shoes. Summer – dark plain cotton shorts and school polo shirt and black shoes; blue and white gingham dress and black shoes.All items of uniform and child’s topcoat and wellington’s MUST be labelled with the child’s name.

Uniform can be purchased from Ruggerbugs


PE kit (Including outdoor learning)
P.E. day is Tuesday
PE Kit – joggers,  t-shirt and trainers. No laces.
Wellies (with name inside) are kept in school in a carrier bag on your child’s peg.
Outdoor Learning is important to us and we have daily activities to enhance literacy and numeracy learning; to develop knowledge and understanding of the world.
Reception pupils  need wellies, warm joggers, spare socks, waterproof trousers and jacket to keep in a carrier bag in school.


Any money sent into school should be in a labelled envelope.
This is more important now than ever to reduce the risk of cross contamination.


Reception will have weekly reading books from October-more details will be posted on Dojo.


Jolly Phonics
Reception pupils have daily Jolly Phonics sessions and will take home follow up activities for you to support them at home.


Little Turtle
We use Little Turtle stories and activities as a basis for our personal and social education. The children learn Little Turtle’s rules about being kind, taking turns, being good listeners, and how to cope if they are angry or upset about something. They also learn about giving and receiving compliments, and when it is their turn to be Little Turtle’s helper they will bring a compliments sheet home to share with you.


Reception homework menu will be posted on Dojo for the half term.
Nursery homework menu will be posted on Dojo for the half term.


How can you help at home?
Children who receive the support and encouragement from their parents at home develop positive attitudes to learning at school.If you want to give your child the most precious gift – then give the child your time.

15 Minutes a day of your undivided attention.
Play with your child. Talk to your child. Read to your child. Sing nursery rhymes with your child.

Please help your child to learn the Jolly Phonics sounds, to practise number formation to 10 and to practise forming letters correctly using our school script.


Social Media and Communication

  • Class Dojo
  • New website
  • Twitter (@DerwendegSchool)
  • YouTube channel (Derwendeg Primary School)
  • Facebook page (@DerwendegPrimarySchool)