Dosbarth Gwyrdd
Year 2/Year 3
Mrs Packham
Miss Hinton
Pale blue shirt or school polo shirt, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan, grey trousers, grey pinafore dress or grey skirt, grey/ white socks or tights, and black shoes.
Summer – dark plain cotton shorts and school polo shirt and black shoes or blue and white gingham dress.
All items of uniform and child’s topcoat and wellington’s MUST be labelled with the child’s name.
PE kit (Including outdoor learning) P.E. day is Thursday
PE Kit – jogging bottoms or shorts, t-shirt and trainers.
No jewellery is to be worn to school on these for health and safety reasons. If worn to school on PE days, children will be required to remove earrings for the lesson, and these will be stored safely by the teacher.
Outdoor learning will take place every Friday. Children will need appropriate clothing as we will go outside come rain or shine. Appropriate clothing will include jogging bottoms or waterproof trousers and layers of clothing e.g. t shirt, long sleeved shirts, jumpers and a waterproof coat. Wellies (labelled with name) or old trainers.
Any money sent into school should be in a labelled envelope.
This is more important now than ever to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
Reading takes place daily. Children must bring in their books daily as we read every morning. We use a Star Reading Programme where children complete a weekly quiz related to the book they are reading. Children must know the book very well so taking notes and asking your children questions about the book is very useful e.g. Why did the boy behave like that? What colour was the girl’s bike? Etc. Try to listen to your children read as regularly as possible. Books will be changed weekly after a quiz is completed. In Year 3 they will be assessed using an online test and they will choose their own book from an allocated book box. This will be monitored closely. Children will receive raffle tickets for achieving over 85% in a quiz and this will go towards our termly prize raffle.
Children will read weekly with the teacher in Guided Group Reading (G.G.R) sessions which take place every afternoon.
Spellings will be given out fortnightly. Spelling lists will be given on google classroom where they will fill out a look, cover, write, check activity. Please encourage your children to practise in other ways too. The Derwendeg Youtube channel gives fun games to practise spellings. Children will be tested the following Friday. We will also focus on key words in Year 3. These can be found on google classroom also.
There will be a ‘Homework Menu’ available on Google Classroom and Dojo. This will last for the whole term. Spellings must be completed fortnightly and please encourage your children to use Mathletics weekly at home. If children achieve a 1000 points every week they receive a bronze certificate. If they receive five bronze certificates then they earn a Silver. Four silver certificates will earn a Gold certificate. I wonder who will get the first Gold certificate?
How can you help at home?
Children who receive the support and encouragement from their parents at home develop positive attitudes to learning at school.
- Read regularly with your children. (Read with them and to them, especially if they are too tired to do it themselves sometimes)
- Complete activities on the ‘Homework Menu.’
- Complete weekly Mathletics.
- Practise spellings and read key words.
- Learn times tables. This can be by singing them or even using a times table app like squeebles.
- Reading Apps like Teach my Monster to read.
- Practise learn it sheets sent home.
Social Media and Communication
- Class Dojo
- New website
- Twitter (@DerwendegSchool)
- YouTube channel (Derwendeg Primary School)
- Facebook page (@DerwendegPrimarySchool)
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