At Derwendeg Primary School, we value the contribution and voice of the pupils in school improvement. We provide our children with many opportunities to have their voice heard in school issues and in school improvement.
School Improvement
Pupils from different year groups are used as part of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting cycle to drive school improvement. An example of this is Peer Behaviour Monitoring where pupils will give feedback to other classes on their behaviour and the impact on their learning.
The eco-committee works consists of a pupil from each class. They meet regularly as a team to discuss environmental matters and to ensure the school is eco-friendly. The school has achieved the eco-flag.
School Council
The school council are chosen by their peers in a vote at the beginning of each academic year. They play a big part in school improvement and are instrumental in ensuring all of the pupils have their say. The school council meet regularly to discuss a range of issues across the school and to evaluate the results of any surveys undertaken.
Wellbeing Committee
The wellbeing committee are a recently formed committee who are responsible for taking care of the wellbeing of our pupils. They meet regularly to discuss ideas and ways of improving how we look after our pupils.
Criw Cymreig
The Criw Cymreig are instrumental in ensuring that Welsh language remains a high priority in our school. They meet weekly to support Mr Phillips as Welsh co-ordinator. They lead training for staff, support with Welsh display and lead assemblies. They are currently working towards the Bronze award in the Cymraeg Campus.
Digital Leaders
The Digital Leaders are a team of children with a particular interest in all things technical! They are a great support to Mrs Xiberras as ICT co-ordinator but also to all of the staff across the school. They conduct weekly checks of IT equipment and undertake important digital jobs in each class. They are also responsible for promoting safety online.