School News
Thank you!
As we come to the close of a wonderfully busy Autumn Term, I would like to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to our whole school community.
I want to begin by thanking our wonderful children. They have worked hard, shown enthusiasm, and embraced every opportunity. We are incredibly proud of all their achievements, big and small, and it has been a joy to see them grow and learn throughout the term.
A huge thank you also goes to our dedicated staff and PTA, their passion and care for each child has been evident in everything they do and has made such a positive difference in the lives of our children, I am so grateful for their continued dedication and resilience.
Finally, I would like to say thank you to yourselves as parents and carers. Your involvement in school life, whether through helping with events, supporting your child’s learning, or simply staying engaged with the school community, has been invaluable. Thank you for being such an important part of our school community.
As we look ahead to the festive season, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday, 6th January, for the start of the Spring term.
Wow Days
We have our whole school Wow day on Wednesday the 8th of January when the children will immerse themselves into their new topics. The children will all be learning about a different period in history. For more detail, please see the class story for your child’s class.
After School Clubs
After school clubs will re-start in Week 2 of the Spring term, week beginning 13th January. A clubs letter will be sent out.
Breakfast club will resume from Monday, January 6th.
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, 8th January – Whole school Wow day – please see your child’s class story for more detail.
Thursday 16th January – Year 5/6 Football tournament
Thursday, 23rd January – Year 5/6 Community Cohesion Workshop
Tuesday 11th February – Year 6 Crucial Crew
Thursday, 13th February – Year 4 trip to Wales Millennium Centre
Friday, 14th February – Dosbarth Porffor trip to Big Pit
School Holiday Dates
Friday, 20th December – Break up for Christmas, 1:30pm
(All children have to be collected, no children are allowed to walk home)
Monday, 6th January 2025 – Return to school
Thursday, 20th February 2025 – Break up for half term
Monday 3rd, March 2025 – Return to school
Friday, 11th April 2025 – Break up for Easter
Monday, 28th April – Return to school
Friday, 23rd May – Break up for half term
Monday, 2nd June – Return to school
Friday, 18th July – Break up for Summer Holidays
INSET Dates 2024-25
Friday, 24th January 2025
Friday, 21st February 2025
Friday 4th July 2025
Monday 21st July 2025
Heroes of the Week
This week’s heroes are:
Dosbarth Oren: Deacyn
Dosbarth Melyn: Janos & Jayden
Dosbarth Gwyrdd: Daisy & Freddie
Dosbarth Glas: Millie
Dosbarth Porffor: Morgan & Keelan-Lee
Dosbarth Enfys: Imogen & Freya
Headteachers Award
This week’s Headteacher Awards go to:
Lily. B-D
Thea. M
Tate. J
Millie. B
These children were chosen for displaying our school values and will be treated to a hot chocolate and a chat with Mrs Wangiel. Da iawn bawb!
Weekly Photos

Attendance Matters
The United Nation Article 28 states ‘every child has the right to have a primary education’. We are linking our attendance performance to this article.
We want our children to have the best possible education to give them the best chance in life. If your children aren’t in school we can’t give them this opportunity and can’t give them the opportunity to ‘be the best they can be.’
School target: 93%
Annual % to date: 94%
Weekly total
(Week ending 13th Dec): 93%
Dosbarth Oren: 96%
Dosbarth Melyn: 98%
Dosbarth Gwyrdd: 91%
Dosbarth Glas: 99%
Dosbarth Porffor: 89%
Dosbarth Enfys: 94%
Congratulations to most of our classes for surpassing our school target of 93%. It is important all of the children are in school every day to ensure they aren’t missing out on important learning.
Weekly Items
This half term’s value is
Links to termly learning overviews and homework menus:
Coach Nursery | |
Oren – Reception | |
Melyn – Year 1 | Melyn – Year 2 |
Gwrydd – Year 2 | Gwyrdd – Year 3 |
Glas – Year 3 | Glas – Year 4 |
Porforr – Year 4 | Porfor – Year 5 |
Enfys – Year 5 | Enfys – Year 6 |
Online Safety-Channel 4 Documentary – Swiped
This week Channel 4 aired a documentary called Swiped about a school that banned Smartphones. The documentary contained a lot of informative, and frightening, facts about young children using smartphones and how it can affect their mental health. We would strongly encourage you to watch on Channel 4’s On Demand service at the this link. and seriously consider your child’s use of their phone and if they really need it at such a young age.
(Please note – there is some upsetting content in the documentary so it is not advised for the children to watch it)
Criw Cymreig: Brawddeg yr Wythnos (Phrase of the Week)
Nadolig Llawen (Merry Christmas)
The Criw Cymreig have been planning their film about ‘reasons to speak welsh’
School Menu
Click here to see the school menu.
Week beginning 6th of January will be Week 1