School News

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for your support at our school festival yesterday, what a lovely day!
The children performed so well, we are so proud of them!
Thank you to our amazing team of staff for their hard work in organising everything and for staying to make the event happen.
Thank you to our wonderful PTA for their support and contributions to the event and thank you also to the members of our community for their support of the event and for performing too.
We are so grateful to each and every one of you!

School Uniform

We currently have a large amount of school uniform in our lost property, mainly jumpers and cardigans with no names on, all worth hundreds of pounds.

Please, please, please ensure all items of your children’s clothing have their name on. It makes it much easier to return any lost items to their owners and saves you all money having to buy new! If you need any uniform, please get in touch or see Mrs Wangiel or Mrs Wilson on the gate. We have lots of spare uniform and would be happy to help.

School Dinners

Please click this link to order school dinners for your child for next week, week beginning Monday 8th of July.

Please look at the form carefully and choose which dinner option for each day your child would like to order. Your child does not need to have a school dinner every day. Please fill out the form even if your child brings sandwiches from home everyday.

You will need to order your child’s dinners by Friday. Ordered meals will be passed to the school kitchen every Monday morning.

We will be on Week 3 Menu.

Important Dates

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, 9th & Wednesday 10th July – Year 6 transition days
Wednesday, 10th July – Glas and Porffor school trip
Thursday, 11th July – Nursery – Year 2 school trip
Thursday, 11th July – Dosbarth Gwrydd school trip
Week beginning 14th July – No after school clubs

School Holiday Dates

Friday, 19th July – Break up for summer

INSET Dates 2023-24

Friday 5th July 2024

Heroes of the Week

This week’s  heroes  are:
Dosbarth Coch: Jax & Nory
Dosbarth Oren: Willow & Theo R
Dosbarth Melyn: Freddie & Elsie
Dosbarth Gwyrdd: Emily & Jenson
Dosbarth Glas: Eva-Leigh & Aneira
Dosbarth Porffor: Layla & Elliot
Dosbarth Enfys: Ella-Mae & Billie-Rose

Headteachers Award

This week’s Headteacher Awards go to:
Theo. R
Lilia. Mc
Kaylum. Y
Jessica. H

These children were chosen for displaying our school values and will be treated to a hot chocolate and a hat with Mrs Wangiel. Da iawn bawb!

Attendance Matters

The United Nation Article 28 states ‘every child has the right to have a primary education’. We are linking our attendance performance to this article.
We want our children to have the best possible education to give them the best chance in life. If your children aren’t in school we can’t give them this opportunity and can’t give them the opportunity to ‘be the best they can be.’

School target: 93%
Annual % to date: 92%

Weekly total
(Week ending 21st June):

Dosbarth Oren:92%
Dosbarth Melyn:91%
Dosbarth Gwyrdd: 87%
Dosbarth Glas:
Dosbarth Porffor: 88%
Dosbarth Enfys: 84%

Congratulations to most of our classes for surpassing our school target of 93%. It is important all of the children are in school every day to ensure they aren’t missing out on important learning.

Weekly Items

This half term’s value is
Honesty and Trust

Links to termly learning overviews and homework menus:

Coach Nursery
Oren – ReceptionOren – Year 1
Melyn – Year 1Melyn – Year 2
Gwrydd – Year 2Gwyrdd – Year 3
Glas – Year 3Glas – Year 4
Porforr – Year 5Porfor – Year 6
Enfys – Year 6

Energy Drinks

Are you aware of the dangers of energy drinks? There are many health risks associated with energy drinks. They are particularly damaging for young children.

Click here to find out more

Criw Cymreig: Brawddeg yr Wythnos (Phrase of the Week)


School Menu

Click here to see the school menu.
Week beginning 8th July will be Week 3