Dear parents and carers,
What a fantastic week it has been having all of our children back in school! The school has felt alive again and the sound of laughter and learning in every class has been truly wonderful.
Thank you for supporting us in keeping the children home if they are feeling unwell and for adhering to our health and safety protocols when dropping off and collecting the children. Your support makes a huge difference in helping us to keep our whole school community safe.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wangiel
This half term’s value is:
Hero of the Week
This week’s heroes are:
Dosbarth Coch (N/R): Alfie. J and Shayan. N
Dosbarth Oren (R/Y1): Brooke. P and Hollie. E
Dosbarth Melyn (Y1/2): Rowan. T and Jack. W
Dosbarth Gwyrdd (Y3): Ella-Mae. H and Luca. J
Dosbarth Glas (Y4): Kesha. Y and Lillie-Mae. M
Dosbarth Porffor (Y5): Maizie H and Amelia. M
Dosbarth Enfys (Y6): Hallie.P and Maddie-Rose. L
We’d also like to say a huge well done to those children receiving a Headteacher certificate and a Mathletics award. Well done to all of our certificate winners, we are very proud of you all!
Absence Reporting
We are currently receiving a lot of messages reporting absence through Class Dojo. Whilst Dojo is a great communication tool, messages are not always read straight away and can sometimes be missed. Please continue to call the office to report any absence
100 Year Celebrations
Did you know our beloved school is 100 years old this year?
We have very big plans for our children to learn and celebrate this special time, but we also want the whole community to celebrate too!
We are busy planning so much fun and events, and our determined to not let COVID ruin our fun. Details will be shared, once finalised.
We need your help!
What do you know?
Did you come here?
Do you have memories or memorabilia relating to our school?
Funny stories?
We have a designated email address for you to contact us, specifically about our last 100 years. Can you help us fill in the blanks?
Please share this email address far and wide with your friends, and family. We plan to share it all over social media so that we get as much information as possible.
Here is the email address:
Parent Council
The parent council is an opportunity for parents and carers to have a voice in the running and organisation of the school and provides valuable feedback on improving the school. We are re-starting the parent council from next term. Many of you have been a part of the parent council in the past and you are welcome to join again. If you are interested in joining the parent council, please complete the form at the link below and we will contact you. Thank you to those parents who have already registered their interest.
Meetings will be held half termly and will be virtual until covid regulations allow face to face meetings. If you would like further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Parent Governor Application (Closing Date 22nd March 2021)
We have been asked to arrange an election for a Parent Governor. The Role of Governors has become increasingly important and it’s important for our Governing Body to have parent representatives. If you are interested in applying, you can access the letter and form at the link below or contact the school to obtain a paper copy. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the role, please contact Mrs Wangiel.
Welsh Government Grant
Welsh Government have recently extended the 2020/2021 PDG Access Grant for pupils currently eligible for Free School Meals to 30th June 2021, adding additional year groups (Year 1 & Year 5 in Primary, & Year 8, 9 & 11 in Secondary). This funding is for pupils currently eligible for free school meals,
Families of eligible pupils can ONLY receive one PDG Access grant for that pupil in a School year. Therefore if you have already claimed this grant for pupils currently in reception, year 3, year 7 & year 10 since 27th July 2020 you are not eligible for further funding in this school year.
The grant is for £125, with the exception of year 7 (£200) and can be used to purchase school uniform, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school for your child. The terms and conditions also now allow the purchase of laptops or tablets to assist with remote learning. Details of how to claim this grant will be published on the Caerphilly County Borough website week commencing 22nd March 2021.
Online Safety
It’s more important than ever that parents and carers understand the various apps and social media platforms that children are using. It’s the responsibility of parents and carers to protect children from harm online as much as it is in day to day life. I’m continuously alarmed to hear of many of our children using Snapchat which has a 13+ age rating. Please see the guide at the link below for further information:
Big Talk (Please discuss with your children):
This week’s topic is …what is a balanced diet?
Upcoming Dates
22.03.21 Closing date for parent governor applications
26.03.21 – Break up for the Easter holidays
12.04.21 – Return to school