Dear Parents and Carers,
So today is the last day of our Spring term and what a term it’s been! The challenges we’ve all faced and overcome as a school community are remarkable and we should all be incredibly proud.
As always, our children have been amazing and have demonstrated resilience, respect and positivity in all they’ve done. The way they’ve all returned to school with such a smooth transition has been nothing short of incredible; we are so, so proud of each and every one of our pupils.
We hope you have a peaceful Easter break. Please keep yourselves safe and adhere to covid-19 restrictions to keep case numbers in our local area decreasing. None of us want to find ourselves in another lockdown! We all have a part to play in keeping case numbers of the virus low.
Take care everyone, stay safe.
Mrs Wangiel

This half term’s value is:

Hero of the Week

This week’s heroes are:
Dosbarth Coch (N/R): : Oliver and Isabelle
Dosbarth Oren (R/Y1): Emiah. H and Ashton. H
Dosbarth Melyn (Y1/2): Joshua. P-F and Jerzey. R
Dosbarth Gwyrdd (Y3): Sofia. S and Maisie. C
Dosbarth Glas (Y4): Riley. P and Roisin. Mc
Dosbarth Porffor (Y5): Melody. W and Lewys. L
Dosbarth Enfys (Y6): Megan. P and Leah. R
We’d also like to say a huge well done to those children receiving a Headteacher certificate and a Mathletics award. Well done to all of our certificate winners, we are very proud of you all!

Easter Homework

We are very excited about our whole school Easter homework! The homework has been sent out today and will also be posted on Class Dojo. The homework is for our Active Schools project with schools in Greece and Spain and involves some tasty, healthy Welsh recipes and a dance challenge!

Reports results over Easter

If your child/ren develop any symptoms of covid-19 over the Easter holidays, it is important they are tested as quickly as possible and any positive results are reported to the school through a Dojo message to Mrs Wangiel. This is particularly important over the first week of the holidays where a positive test result may require classes of pupils to isolate.


Thank you to our wonderful PTA who are continuing to support our school in the very challenging circumstances we find ourselves in. Each child has been gifted with an Easter egg to enjoy from our PTA, thank you PTA! They are also organising a film night to be held early in the summer term, keep an eye on Dojo for more information.

Comic Relief

Thank you for taking part in our Comic Relief non-uniform day. Your donations helped to raise £142.39! Thank you!

100 Year Celebrations Wow Day

The official date for our school’s 100th birthday is Sunday, 18 th April. We have dedicated a whole term to learning about the 100 year history of our school and have lots of exciting plans. Our topic will kick off with an exciting WOW day on Friday, 16 th April for all pupils. Each class will be dressing up in their allocated decade’s clothing. The detail will be shared on the class stories on Dojo.

Welsh Government Grant UPDATE

Welsh Government have recently extended the 2020/2021 PDG Access Grant for pupils currently eligible for Free School Meals to 30th June 2021, adding additional year groups (Year 1 & Year 5 in Primary, & Year 8, 9 & 11 in Secondary). This funding is for
pupils currently eligible for free school meals.
The grant is for £125 and can be used to purchase school uniform, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school for your child. The terms and conditions also now allow the purchase of laptops or tablets to assist with remote learning. The Funding is available to ALL looked after children of compulsory school age, irrespective of FSM entitlement. Applications for LAC pupils will need to be made to the Local Authority in which the pupil attends school.
If you are eligible, you will receive a letter and an application form sent home via the children this week. The deadline to apply is 30th June 2021.

Online Safety

Many of the games the children play online and on the computer can appear innocent but many of them contain violence and highly inappropriate content. One of these games is Grand Theft Auto. This game has an 18+ rating and contains a lot of highly inappropriate content. It is never appropriate for Primary aged children to be playing or watching this game. Please be reminded that inappropriate usage of games such as Grand Theft Auto are viewed as safeguarding concerns.
Please see the guide at the link below for further information:

Big Talk (Please discuss with your children)

This week’s topic is… what do you think life was like 100 years ago?

Upcoming Dates

12.04.21 – Return to school after the Easter holidays
16.04.21 – Wow Day (100 Year Celebrations – Dressing Up – please see class stories on Dojo for more information)