This half term’s value is:
Heroes of the Week
This week’s heroes are:
Dosbarth Coch: Ava and Keoni
Dosbarth Oren: Millie and Gracie
Dosbarth Melyn: Harper and Jerzey
Dosbarth Gwyrdd: Summer and Alfie
Dosbarth Glas: Lohan and Kiyan
Dosbarth Porffor: Lewys and Jack
Dosbarth Enfys: Kaydi and Lily-May
We’d also like to say a huge well done to those children receiving a Headteacher certificate and a Mathletics award. Well done to all of our certificate winners, we are very proud of you all!
Cefn Hengoed Park
It has been brought to our attention that many of our junior children are spending a lot of time in the local park. We wanted everyone to be aware that there are a lot of older, secondary school children who spend a lot of time there using inappropriate language, drinking alcohol and smashing bottles. This has been reported to our School Community Police Officer. Please be vigilant about where your children are when they are playing outside and what they are being exposed to.
Free School Meals- How To Claim
We are aware that financial circumstances may have changed for lots of our families. If this is the case for you, you may now be eligible for free school meals for your children. You can apply for Free School Meals at any time throughout the school year and at any time throughout your child’s school life
You can check availability at the link below:
If you need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Attenborough Movement
Saturday, 8th May is David Attenborough’s birthday. The Attenborough movement is an event organised on social media to raise awareness of looking after our environment and picking up litter so that it doesn’t get into our oceans. To support this cause, please go for a walk in our local area on the 8th of May and pick up 8 pieces (or 8 bags!) of litter and dispose of or recycle it appropriately. Please remember to keep safe, to wear gloves or use a litter picker and remind the children not to touch anything sharp. Share your photos with us on Class Dojo and we will share them in assembly. There will also be a reward for all the children who get involved.
100 Year History Help
As you are all aware, we are in the process of researching the history of our school and are looking for events that would have taken place in specific decades . We have lots of recent pictures and newspaper articles but would like to know more about the earlier years of the school. If you know of an event that took place in the following decades, please send us a message or email : 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s
Toys From Home
We have had an increase this week in the number of children bringing in toys and fidget items from home. These items are not to be brought in to school, especially under current covid restrictions.
Online Safety
Many of our children play the very popular game Roblox. Roblox is a great game for children to develop their creative thinking but there have also been some safety concerns around the game. The link below is to a very useful guide about what Roblox is and how you can ensure the children are safe when playing it:
Big Talk (Please discuss with your children):
This week’s topic is… what do you think our school will be like in 100 years’ time?
Upcoming Dates
Monday, 3rd May – Bank holiday (School closed)
Tuesday, 4th May – Reception height and growth screening
Saturday, 8th May – David Attenborough Movement – Litter Collection (More information above)
Monday, 24th – Wednesday, 26th May – Parents evenings
Tuesday, 25th May – School photos (To be confirmed)
Friday, 28th May – Break up for half term
Monday, 7th June – Return to school