Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all well. We’ve had another fabulous week with the children. Once again, they have done us proud. They are remarkable in how they have adapted to the changes to school in such a short space of time. And thank you once again to all of our school community for your support and for adhering to the changes.
As you are aware, school will now re-open fully in September to all pupils. Please see the section below for more detail.
Thanks for a great week everyone, take care.
Mrs Wangiel
Hero of the Week
We have seen some great learning in school and at home this week. Keep up the hard work!
Well done to this week’s heroes:
Nursery/ Reception: Eva-Leigh and Daniel. W
Class 1: Gracie. W and Penny
Class 2: Luca and Sienna
Class 3: Chloe and Kesha
Class 4: Lucy and Maizie
Class 5: Poppy and Dominic. W Class 6: Mya and Blake C-W
We are very proud of you!
Click this link to see this week’s certificate video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynXFkAvaF5E&feature=youtu.be
The children’s end of year reports will be given out with the children next week. If your child isn’t returning to school, your child’s teacher will send you a message to arrange collection of their report from school.
Return to School in September
On Thursday, 9th July, Kirsty Williams announced that all children will be returning to school in September and attendance will now be compulsory. Whilst we can’t wait to have all of our children back together, there is now a lot of planning needed and a lot of consideration of health and safety measures. Welsh Government will be releasing guidance on Monday. When our plans are finalised and checked against Government guidance, they will be shared with you and you’ll be given an opportunity to raise any concerns you have. Kirsty Williams has been clear that parents/ carers can be confident about sending their children back to school and she’s confident that the scientific evidence dictates that it is safe for the children to fully return.
As long as the guidance released on Monday allows, we are planning for all children (with the exception of Year 6 who will be joining their secondary school) to re-join their current class teacher for a short period of time in September before they transition to their new class and new teacher. As soon as we have the detail for how this will be organised, we will share this with you.
Year 6
Both Lewis Boys and Girls are planning transition activities. Further information can be found on their Facebook pages and through information shared on the Year 6 class story on Class Dojo:
Lewis Boys Facebook page: Transition LSP
Lewis Boys have now delivered transition packs to school. These will be sent home with the boys on their allocated day this week.
Lewis Girls Facebook page: Lewis Girls’ School Year 6 Transition.
The girls should have now received their transition packs through the post.
PDG Access/ Uniform Grant
This is the latest message regarding the PDG Uniform Grant from Caerphilly Local Authority:
Applications for September 2020 will NOT be received by our Schools but will be received and administered by the Local Authority. Due to the current circumstances a new on-line application process has been developed for 2020. It is anticipated that the on-line application will be available for families to access from Monday 27th July 2020. Support will also be provided by the Local Authority where families do not have on-line access to apply. Details and updates will be available on the Caerphilly website. To reassure families, applications and payments will be on-going through the summer holiday period, into September and onwards.