Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all well. What a great week we’ve had! It was wonderful to welcome the children back this week. I know how nervous and anxious some of them were coming in, but it was great to see them with such big smiles throughout the day because they were enjoying being back so much.

They were incredible in how they responded to the changes and new
rules. We are so proud!

I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard to ensure the children felt comfortable and safe being back. Thank you to all of you as parents and carers as well for supporting us in our re-opening.
We can’t wait to welcome the children back again next week!

Have a great weekend,
Mrs Wangiel

Hero of the Week

We have seen some great learning in school and at home this week. Keep up the hard work!
Well done to this week’s heroes:
Nursery/ Reception: Cassie and Ava. W
Class 1: Jack. W and Ollie. B
Class 2: Layla and Alanys
Class 3: Ruby and Seth
Class 4: Alfie and Ellie
Class 5: Jessica and Ruby. W
Class 6: Max and Caeron
We are very proud of you!
Click this link to see this week’s certificate video – https://youtu.be/Dbdfswc8c_4

Lunch and Drinks

We politely request that younger children bring foods in their packed lunch that they can open independently. Due to health and safety restrictions, we aren’t allowed to open food packets for the children to avoid cross contamination.
Can you also please ensure that your child brings a drink with them when they come into school. Our water fountains are currently out of use and our Foundation Phase children aren’t having milk delivered so it’s important all children have access to their own drink.

Return to School in September

We are still awaiting guidance on what our return to school will look like in September. Although England have now released their plans, we are not expecting an announcement for schools in Wales until next week. I will let you know as soon as I have any information.


We are very aware that many of the children, and yourselves as parents, are anxious about the children’s transition to their new class in September. We will ensure that this transition is planned carefully. Your child’s new class teacher will be shared with you next week. As soon as Welsh Government release their guidance and we have a clear picture of how September will be organised, we will share our transition arrangements with you.

Year 6

We are also very aware that our Year 6 children are about to undergo a big transition to secondary school. Both Lewis Boys and Girls are planning transition activities. Further information can be found on their Facebook pages and through information shared on the Year 6 class story on Class Dojo:
Lewis Boys Facebook page: Transition LSP
Lewis Boys will soon be delivering transition packs to school. As soon as we have them, we will distribute them to the boys.
Lewis Girls Facebook page: Lewis Girls’ School Year 6 Transition.
The girls should have now received their transition packs through the post.

PDG Access/ Uniform Grant

This is the latest message regarding the PDG Uniform Grant from Caerphilly Local Authority:
Applications for September 2020 will NOT be received by our Schools but will be received and administered by the Local Authority. Due to the current circumstances a new on-line application process has been developed for 2020. It is anticipated that the on-line application will be available for families to access from Monday 27th July 2020. Support will also be provided by the Local Authority where families do not have on-line access to apply. Details and updates will be available on the Caerphilly website. To reassure families, applications and payments will be on-going through the summer holiday period, into September and onwards.

Summer Childcare for Key Workers

Please see the letter at the following link regarding summer childcare for key workers:

Home Learning

Home learning is still carrying on for the days when the children aren’t in school. It is important that the children continue accessing and completing their work every day.