Hero of the Week
Even though we are not in school, we still want to celebrate all of the hard work you are doing at home.
This week’s heroes are:
Nursery/ Reception: Alice and Joey
Class 1: Imaani and LJ
Class 2: Zavien and Alfie
Class 3: Roisin and Megan
Class 4: Alanna and Sophia
Class 5: Jackson and Hannah
Class 6: Ruby and Amelia
Well done to all of our heroes, we are very proud of you!
Click this link to see this week’s certificate video – https://youtu.be/LIR0PV2Is9o
School Re-opening
We are very excited to welcome the children back to school next week, we have missed them so, so much. We know things won’t be quite the same but we’ve worked hard to make sure everything is as normal as possible for the children.
Keeping the children and staff safe is going to be a joint effort between home and school. You can help us in the following ways:
- Respond to the survey each week so we know which children to expect in the following week.
- Only send your child/ren to school on their allocated days. The children’s allocated days were released last week.
- Arrive on time and not any earlier or later for drop off or collection (timings below). This is important to ensure we avoid congestion at the school gates and doors. School gates will not be opened until 5 minutes before drop off and collection time.
- Ensure key stage 2 children also arrive at their specific allocated times.
- Send any messages via Class Dojo or by telephoning the office. Non-essential visitors will not be permitted to the school.
- Maintain social distancing outside of school and encourage your children to do the same. We are putting in many health and safety measures in school to keep the children safe, we expect the same to happen outside of school.
- Support your child with any separation anxiety or worry by preparing them for coming back. You can use the resources we have been sharing through Class Dojo and our school Facebook page. If you are worried your child may not want to leave you, you could try giving them a small object or note to let them know that you will be keeping them in mind. A small cotton bracelet they can wear on their wrist often works well.
- Do not send your child/ren to school if they are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19.
- The children will be spending lots of time outdoors when the weather allows, please ensure your child is wearing a hat and sun cream on warmer days. We cannot provide sun cream for the children.
- Provide your child with a drink to last them the day.
Key reminders:
09:00am – 2:00pm | Class 6 (Mrs Jones) | Field gate, usual door | Class 2 (Mrs Packham) | Pavement gate, usual door |
09:10am – 2:10pm | Y5 (Mr Phillips/Mrs O’Connor) | Field gate, usual door | Class 1 (Miss Thomas) | Pavement gate, classroom door |
09:20am – 2:20 pm | Y4 (Mrs Xiberras) | Field gate – Y3/4 cloakroom door | Rec (Ms Traylor) | Pavement gate, usual door |
09:30am – 2:30pm | Y3 (Mrs Lloyd) | Field gate – Y3 classroom fire door | Nursery (Ms Traylor) (09:30am – 12:00pm) | Pavement gate, usual door |
- Key Stage 2 children should be dropped off at the field gate and parents should not enter the school grounds.
- Foundation Phase children can be brought into the school grounds via the pavement gate with 1 adult only. You should remain 2m apart and should not stop and chat to other parents at all. If there is any reason to wait, either on drop off or collection of the children, please stand and wait on one of the social distancing heart spots identified on the yard.
- A video will be released over the weekend showing each year group where to enter the school site and the school building.
- Siblings can be brought into and collected from school in the earliest sibling’s time slot to avoid any waiting times.
- Classes will operate in “bubbles” for the whole time they are in school. Each class bubble will have playtime together, lunch together and spend all their time together. Once the children have been allocated a bubble, the bubble cannot be changed due to cross contamination and the need to track and trace, should this be necessary.
- Children are not required to wear their school uniform but can if they choose to.
- All pupils are required to bring a packed lunch. There will be no hot meals provided. Please ensure your child has a drink bottle with them (no fizzy drinks) to last the day and that their lunchbox includes healthy snacks
For more information, click here to see the full re-opening action plan:
Home Learning
Home learning is still going to carry on on the days when the children aren’t in school. It is important that the children
continue accessing and completing their work every day