This half term’s value is:
Criw Cymreig: Brawddeg yr Wythnos (Phrase of the Week)
Croeso! Dewch i mewn
Welcome…come on in.
Heroes of the Week
This week’s heroes are:
Dosbarth Coch: Jousen and Primrose
Dosbarth Oren: Tia. D and Jenson B-D
Dosbarth Melyn: Tate and Imaani
Dosbarth Glas: Taran and Alfie
Dosbarth Porffor: Brayden and Lillie-Mae
Dosbarth Enfys: Jack and Seren. T
We’d also like to say a huge well done to those children receiving a Headteacher certificate. Well done to all of our certificate winners, we are very proud of you all!
Covid Testing
Please be reminded that the Lateral Flow covid tests are only to be used when there are no symptoms present. If an individual is showing any of the symptoms of covid-19, no matter how mild, they have to take a PCR test at a testing centre or by ordering a home PCR testing kit (these are different to the home LFD tests).
Spaces available from
9am – 3pm (full session)
9am – 12pm (Morning, half day)
12pm – 3pm (Afternoon, half day)
offer :-
Wraparound, flying start, rising threes, childcare offer and private childcare
Contact details
Welsh Competition
As a homework competition, it would be great if the children could design a poster giving the reasons for learning and speaking Welsh, eg it gives you access to a wider range of jobs in Wales, it is fun, it develops your ability to learn other languages with ease, etc
The poster can be any size and can use any materials; it can even be 3D if you like.
The winning entries will receive prizes and the poster voted the best will be exhibited in the main corridor of the school!
Pob lwc! / Best of luck
Free School Meals
You are now able to apply for free school meals via the CCBC website 24/7 and the automated service will send you email updates on the progress and result of your application.
Here is the link to access the online form
If you need any help completing the form, please contact the school office and we will try to help.
Online Safety
There are many different games children play online and if not monitored carefully, they could present risks to the children.
A very popular game that has recently come back into the limelight again is Pokemon Go. The guide below gives you more information about the game and some of the risks associated with it:
Big Talk (Please discuss with your children):
This week’s topic is… how can we respect our world?
Upcoming Dates
Mon, 18th – Wed, 20th October – Parents Evening
Fri, 22nd October – Break up for half term
Mon, 1st November – Return to school
2021-22 INSET Dates
Friday, 22nd October
Tuesday, 4th January
Friday, 18th February
Friday, 24th June