This half term’s value is:
Heroes of the Week
This week’s heroes are:
Dosbarth Coch: Riley and Clark
Dosbarth Oren: Tahlia and Korey
Dosbarth Melyn: Bear and Isabella
Dosbarth Gwyrdd: Tia and Jenson
Dosbarth Glas: Chloe-Leigh and Charlie
Dosbarth Porffor: Ellie and Seren.A
Dosbarth Enfys: Ruby and Charlie
We’d also like to say a huge well done to those children receiving a Headteacher certificate and a Mathletics award. Well done to all of our certificate winners, we are very proud of you all!
Uniform Expectations
Can I please remind everyone of our school uniform expectations. We have noticed some of our children wearing white trainers this week, they are not part of our school uniform policy. All shoes should be black. All pupils are requested to wear uniform in
line with the agreed code of dress policy.
- Pale blue shirt or school polo shirt, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey trousers, grey pinafore dress or grey skirt, grey/ white socks or tights#
- Black shoes.
- Summer – dark plain cotton shorts and school polo shirt and black shoes or blue and white gingham dress.
(Children in Nursery and Reception are permitted to wear royal blue jogging bottoms)
All items of uniform and child’s topcoat and wellie’s MUST be labelled with the child’s name
School Dinners – Drinks
I just wanted to remind everyone that there have been no changes to our existing lunchtime arrangements. Hot meals are delivered to classes and there is no drink provided with the meal so pupils are still currently required to bring their own drinks.
PDG Access Grant
Before the Easter holidays, application forms for the Welsh Government PDG Access grant were sent out to families who were eligible. The deadline isn’t until the 30th of June but it is advisable for the forms to be returned to school as soon as possible
ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
We are very fortunate to have had a member of our staff recently trained as an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).
This member of staff will be able to provide emotional literacy support to pupils on a one to one or small group basis. If you would prefer for your child not to be involved with any ELSA work, please contact the school.
100 Year Celebrations
We all had so much fun today dressing up for our 100th birthday WOW day! We will be continuing our celebrations throughout the term, sharing them with you as we progress. If you have any photos or memories of our wonderful school you would like to share with us, please email us at:
Online Safety
It is so, so important that we protect our children online as much as we do in real life. The internet poses many risks to our children, so it is vital that we understand how to keep them safe online. Internet Matters is a fantastic website with a wealth of information and guidance about how to keep safe online:
Big Talk (Please discuss with your children):
This week’s topic is… why is it important to learn about the past?
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, 20th and Thursday 22nd April– Film Night (Classes spread over the 2 dates)
Tuesday, 4th May – Reception height and growth screening
Saturday, 8th May – David Attenborough Movement – Litter Collection (More information to follow)
Monday, 24th – Wednesday, 26th May – Parents evenings
Friday, 28th May – Break up for half-term
Monday, 7th June – Return to school