Weekly Newsletter 24.06.22

This half term’s value is: ASPIRATION Heroes of the Week This week’s heroes are:Dosbarth Coch: Freddie and AlfieDosbarth Oren: Ava. W and Halle-JoeDosbarth Melyn: Bear and EvieDosbarth Glas: Ashley and JerzeyDosbarth Porffor: Oliver and Billie-RoseDosbarth Enfys: Ryan and SophiaWe’d also like to say a huge well done to those children receiving a Mathletics or Headteacher…

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Weekly Newsletter 17.06.22

This half term’s value is: ASPIRATION Criw Cymreig: Brawddeg yr Wythnos (Phrase of the Week) Ga i fynd i’r ty back os gwelwch yn dda?Can I go to the toilet please? Heroes of the Week This week’s heroes are:Dosbarth Coch: Isla-Mae and YakobeDosbarth Oren: Paige and AmeliaDosbarth Melyn: Ashton. H and CadenceDosbarth Glas: Joshua and…

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