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100th Birthday
Return to School January 2021 Dear Parents and Carers, I just wanted to update you following Welsh Government’s announcement yesterday regarding our return to school in January. As you will have seen, there will be a phased return to school for pupils in January. This will look different for every school dependent on their circumstances…
Read More26.11.2020
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Derwendeg Primary School PTA with easyfundraising? There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S –…
Read More01.10.2020
Message from Caerphilly Local Authority: If your child is currently attending a Caerphilly School, is eligible for free school meals because of the benefits or support payments that you currently receive, is in Reception, Year 3, Year 7 or Year 10 only. Have you submitted an application for the PDG Access Grant ?. Funding of…
Read More19.09.20
Please see information below regarding what will happen should we have a positive case of Covid-19 within the school. We currently do not have a case but I want us all to be prepared in the eventuality of a positive case. What happens if a child/staff member tests positive for COVID-19? • The identity of…
Read More16.09.20
Dear parents and carers, I hope you are all well and keeping safe. As you will be aware, the number of positive cases of Covid-19 within the Caerphilly borough is increasing and schools are being affected as a result. We are still very fortunate not to have had a positive case within Derwendeg but we…
Read More11.09.20
Please see the letter from Keri Cole, Caerphilly Direction of Education, at the link below:
Read More04.09.20
Hi everyone, please read the attached press release from Caerphilly at the link below: Can I also please remind you about the importance of maintaining a 2-metre distance between adults when you are dropping off and collecting the children. Thank you
Read More24.08.20
Hi everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the summer break. Please click the link below to access a letter with some reminders ahead of our return to school next week. Further information has been shared through the school story on Class Dojo. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I…
Read More11.08.20
You can now apply for the Welsh Government uniform grant through Caerphilly Council. Please click the link below for further information and to apply:,-grants-and-funding/Pupil-Development-Grant-(PDG)-Access?lang=en-GB
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