Archive for January 2024
Weekly Newsletter 26.1.24
School News Estyn InspectionPlease see the attached letter regarding an Estyn inspection for our school due to start on Monday, 5th February.Please support us by completing a questionnaire for them. The link is in the letter.There will also be a parent/ carer meeting held on Monday, 5th February at 3:30pm in the school hall for…
Read MoreWeekly Newsletter 19.1.24
School News Mobile PhonesGood evening everyone, we are having increasing numbers of children bringing their mobile phones to school to be kept in the office throughout the school day. No child should be bringing their mobile phone to school unless there is a valid reason and this has been pre-agreed with myself or the school…
Read MoreWeekly Newsletter 12.1.24
School News Start of Term RemindersWelcome to the start of the Spring term! It has been a pleasure to welcome our children back this week; we are so proud of how quickly they have settled back into school life, already being the best they can be!A few reminders as we start a new term:*Uniform –…
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